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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sighing to the end of the Day

what comes to my mind at this moment? Wow? Blogging?

since a decade ago when Facebook hitted up the trend. Blog is just belongings of your own and personnel. People read it? Click on it?

still remember the most post reading in Blog is just >Gutteruncenssored, Quite addicted and found it really porned in that page. Tsk Tsk, human are borned to be curious, no matter in what kind of circumstances.

of this whole decade, its has been so long time through from my first job and now second.
Speechless of working, and I though many out there will think what I think, will feel what I feel so. Are you happy with your job currently? , moron will say yes. BUT , if you answer no, sympathatic religion holder will show his enthusiasm to lure you BELIEVE IN GOD, and the almighty can help you to overcome whatever thoughness you face if you pray.

GOD can help ?

Will throw the question back and request more research is needed before stating GOD is ever exist in the world. At least post a picture may be. Science prove that human comes from the genetic evolution. Adam and Eva? Do they exist first?
May be you should ask the "thing" travelled in UFO, they might get you the answer...

Fuck, my mom call for home. Back-ing from office now!

Sighing to the end of the Day ~

Saturday, July 04, 2009





Friday, July 03, 2009

Thanks and Regards

Fucking sick of words above. And those mails starting with Hi, Dear and bla..

argh ~

It is Friday, and how many Fridays should I live.. ?

I got really nothing to type on. Sick of typing.

haizz... whatever, just show you some stuffy my cute doggies
HAIYA.. Just see lar

Nice Mickey's butt

Oscar - the lion head

Whilly pee on the floor.. not the tissue .. Willy!!!!

Look at her pinkish bell neck tie.. and guesss she is a gal

Willy the mini-pinsch

she is sooooo mini

Mickey the pug....

She is a leng lui ..

Monday, May 11, 2009

After The Few Months

hello ~ I m back again.

And I even forgotten my log in password which I decades lost of visit. Am damn tiring after that loh-meng training. I even long time a week did not office my job. My god ~ Dono how many emails and got what things happen that could higher my blood pressure and heartattack. Poor Me...

I don even have tat energy to speak. Nor typing. Damn exhausting, I got aching every part of my body.

Used a lot of tit-ta-zao...


Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Am Back Anyway

Many Many things happen arround me.

I yet still luckly am working and it is damn hectic and busy all the while. You think I can able free enough to go online msn and chat with you guys? Or spending my time to chit chat?

Not even time to go toilet. Poor me.

Emails are so frustrated. Phone calls are stupid. Files of shits are smelly. Documents are in mess. My head and brain are in blurred. My heart is always screaming.

I just can't forgive myself so easily did things so so blur and forgetting things all the while. SEE, I forgotten to plan something on Monday. And, I have to re-plan it. Collection dates are "floating" all the while. Someone calls and say to remove all at any time. But, still seems miserably will become abortive. Sigh = =. What should I do?..

Many Many things...

Mickey is the new member to our family. And, she finally knows how to bark.

I got car bang to a lorry, who the driver uncle luckyly is a damn good person. I am so damn guilty on it.

I hate those stupid trafic police who creat lots of jam, they are not improving it.

I feel my life changed. To more routinable and only be free on Saturday and Sunday. Wish to have more public holidays all the while.


Happy Valentine's Day every one.

Why my blog's layout changed one ah?

Why my blog lay out has changed?

As per TiTLe.