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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

gotta get goals!

tagged by Alex : Gotta get GoaLs..
WHAT IS SPOOKYGRACE2887'S GOALS.list it 5 to 10???
goal? haha... this is really difficult to answer..goal?goal?
Hockey 4
yeah! startin to have goals of my page..start NOW!.

1. friends

friends always the first target for me. Yes, i wanna get a lot lot friends, that i have long time no meet, funny, emotion'y, and study their lifestyle indeed. I want to know what my friends' life recently, instead of asking them :"HOW ARE YOU?" just view their blog and read.. haha..goal!
get more friends, get more friends....

2. ideas

I will collect ideas from all different types of bloggers, the way they blog, speak, point of view, thought....THIS IS A DEMOCRATIC WORLD..jus say it! get more ideas, get more ideas....

3. photographing technic

improve my photo taking technic....through Of course, secondly is to get lot lots of photos of mine through sPookygrace2887. kakaka .. improve technic, improve technic.

4. post ahieving...

i wanna achieve posting over one thousand post.. day i think...

5. point other people back

Blogging is the only way to show my emo and express my anger, happiness and mourn. Hope to come out a lot of thoughts and thoughts and my feeling in Spookygrace2887. Only way to shout very loud here, Listen please!

6. travelling

Always wanted to do that. WAIT.. i collect money first OR, someone can sponsor..heehee

7. reduce weight

Through my page, MY goal!! :" reduce 7 kgs in 3 months"....

8. exams..

pass, merit and distinction in all EXAMSS in my life....WOW!!!

finally...... GOAL!!!!>>>> Soccer 2
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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