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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Disasters zz

Ignoring the blogging thing recently. Guessing why? assignments lor.... Still one more 5000+5000 words to go. with somemore the exams. With somemore the " Rapourt" setting up the the relationships with those lecturers. For what? Supervision and guidance for the dissertation lor....

Other than that, life of having a job and study at the same right time. It just GGGGRRR frustrate!! I have no oppose of working the task or the routine boring work. But i just do feel working with whole bunch of idiots. eh~ It doesn't mean that i very clever and smart. buT at the situation, i think i am mature, wise and critical to handle any single issue that happened when it is the culture practise by the group. Especially when it hits on me, I think I am now very mature and "adultly" to face all these.

Stop telling me that i have no experience in working and building such stupid relationships with bosses, handling customers and even gossip at back. I don't think its my responsible to do that. In nowadays, I don't think the new generation's employees are very used as a tool for bosses, I don't think ammending, altering the report communication to customers will always be lie to them.

Dont tell me :"I can tell lie to the customers", Don't tell me:" You dono how to handle one lar, sometimes you cannot say the name one, u have to be hidden"

I don't do these idiots-will-do-tactic, and I don't do idiots-gossip-others. Just wanna tell you, other than the education and related working experience in certain field. My actuall working experience started when I was 13 year-old. I don't think I am idiot enough to know what the hell you guys are doing.

as I said, I always do not regret that I am educated, and highly, quality educated. And I appreciate it. And yes, I learn a lot, study a lot, educated a lot. And worth, qualified to be lan-c more 100000% than you do. You got chance to Lan-C meh.

I have no choice to working with all those idiots in just a retail type small firm. In the sense of, not the quality and quantity that they are working, I do respect and appreciate, somemore amaze, admire them to work such effort. But I still do think it is idiot enough because of the idiot situation.

First of all, it is just a purely played by those family members. Almost all siblings in a family take part and adhere. Supportive huh?

Imagine a family business. Yes, that Is what I m working to. (I also one of the family of this idiot bunch of people, but, emphasize that I am polar different than them.

playing politics is just super fun. One of the operation worker just like to play with all the gamblings game, no matter in what.. ToTo Magnum 4d.. As well as the other sisters-sisters of them. I have no choice just to listen to them screaming, laughing, yelling, at those numbers quite almost for everyday. Disappear for buying those numbers, calling phone and talking loud just talking those numbers. however, she is not the rich one, she thinks that she is wise and lucky enough to win and become a millionare one day. And she thinks all her kids are so independent and even spend for her. And yet, she can be free, and not worrying.. IDIOT!

Another sister, as a house wives. Yes, she is very careness to all, include all of us. As well as her kids. And you can imagine that her kids are all so pampered. Just feeling like feeding them milk untill the 30 year old. She just play an important role to play politics as well as the TOTO sister. She likes to talk about other as well, and trying impose some moral education to us. What we should do ,asking me when I'll get a boy one day. Critically comment on me that i having imbalance of mindness and need to seek a psycho... What do you think? IDIOT!! Without any discriminate and i claim that I am not. She brings over her kids everyday to the working place, completing the homeworks, but the very active one. Shouting, Playing, and very noisy.

Everyone there are just idiotly do not aware it is a working environment. Businesses have to run, handling calls, hanlding many situations. Sometimes, it doesn't mean that you can work mean that can work. Mentally, emotionally, and physically of course do have to take part in your working situation..

Am I idiot enough to work in this? I don't think so. I have my own principle. Of. Working just for money and relevant working experience..

Don't tell me that these adultls eat salt more than I eat rice.. But. The salt already damage their brain badly and even their attitude..

class now bye!


Anonymous said...

Woah! I thought what May 13 disaster pulak! You make me sked only. You think recurrent of May 13 1969 ka? You nochet born lor!

Coffee Lover Kid said...

haih.. life... anyway forget all those.. come do ur tag.. hahaha