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Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Am Back Anyway

Many Many things happen arround me.

I yet still luckly am working and it is damn hectic and busy all the while. You think I can able free enough to go online msn and chat with you guys? Or spending my time to chit chat?

Not even time to go toilet. Poor me.

Emails are so frustrated. Phone calls are stupid. Files of shits are smelly. Documents are in mess. My head and brain are in blurred. My heart is always screaming.

I just can't forgive myself so easily did things so so blur and forgetting things all the while. SEE, I forgotten to plan something on Monday. And, I have to re-plan it. Collection dates are "floating" all the while. Someone calls and say to remove all at any time. But, still seems miserably will become abortive. Sigh = =. What should I do?..

Many Many things...

Mickey is the new member to our family. And, she finally knows how to bark.

I got car bang to a lorry, who the driver uncle luckyly is a damn good person. I am so damn guilty on it.

I hate those stupid trafic police who creat lots of jam, they are not improving it.

I feel my life changed. To more routinable and only be free on Saturday and Sunday. Wish to have more public holidays all the while.


Happy Valentine's Day every one.

Why my blog's layout changed one ah?


cicak_cobing said...

it sounds like u need something. only 1 solution...


Ashleyteng said...

hey.. r u gonna stop blogging or what? u never update blog for long time d..